With just days to go before Ohio’s voter-approved marijuana legalization measure becomes law, GOP lawmakers are rushing through legislation to all but repeal it.

Ohio marijuana

Over two million Ohioans voted to approve Issue 2 last month. As passed, it allows for the possession of up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana or 15 grams of marijuana extract by adults beginning on December 7th. It also permits adults to begin home-cultivating cannabis on that date. The law also establishes a licensing system to provide for retail cannabis production and sales.

But this will not be the case if Republican lawmakers have their way.

Following through on their pre-election threats, today members of GOP-backed Senate committee approved a proposal to gut Issue 2 and replace it with a shadow of what voters approved.

This Republican-proposed measure – which supportive lawmakers are hoping to pass by this Wednesday – would:

  • eliminate the opportunity for adults to legally home cultivate marijuana
  • significantly increase cannabis-related taxes on the sale and manufacture of retail products
  • severely decrease how much cannabis adults may legally possess at any one time;
  • eliminate social equity support for marijuana-related businesses
  • impose arbitrarily low THC potency limits on cannabis flower and other products;
  • decrease the number of licensed retailers
  • keep marijuana possession criminalized until adult use dispensaries are operational (likely at least 12 months from now)

This is not what Ohioans voted for, and we need to make sure the legislature knows they can’t get away with subverting the will of the people.

If you live in Ohio, please use NORML’s Action Alert to contact your lawmakers today and tell them to keep their hands off Issue 2.

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