Autoflowering cannabis seeds are a very interesting type of plant. They are bred to grow without needing to be triggered by light cycles in order to bloom, meaning that if you want them to flower, all you have to do is wait for them to flower (they won’t need the help of an external trigger like a change in the light cycle). The ability for these plants to start flowering automatically when they reach maturity makes them incredibly useful when it comes down to growing your own cannabis plants at home.

Introduction to Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds

Autoflowering cannabis seeds are a special type of cannabis seed that doesn’t need to be switched between day and night lighting. As the name suggests, they will automatically flower at a certain point in their life cycle, regardless of whether they are exposed to light or not. This is especially useful for growers who don’t want to put in the extra work required by photoperiod strains (strains that require you to switch between 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness).

Autoflowering cannabis seeds are just like any other strain—they come from different strains with different characteristics and effects. Some autoflowers have been bred for their unique flavors, others for their high levels of THC or CBD content, while some simply produce large buds with lots of resin crystals for an excellent yield!

Differences Between Autoflowering and Regular Cannabis Plants

As you can see, autoflowering cannabis plants have lots of advantages over regular cannabis plants. They’re easier to grow indoors, more compact and will grow flowers throughout the year.

Most people who want to start growing marijuana do so because they want the freshest possible buds. That means using seeds or clones taken from their own female plants or those of other growers that they trust. Autoflowering cannabis seeds don’t have any genetic differences from regular seeds; they simply flower at different times based on when they were harvested from the mother plant (more on this later). It’s important to know that although these types of seeds are called “auto” as in self-fertilizing, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need male pollen for pollination! For example, if you grew some autoflowers outdoors then made sure there was only one male nearby, then yes—those would be entirely self-pollinated…but if your goal is good quality bud, then avoid doing things like this because males tend not only to produce less weed but also contain very little THC compared with females.”

Advantages of Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds

  • Easy to grow, easy to clone: Autoflowering seeds are a good option for the amateur gardener. They enjoy the same care as any other cannabis plant but don’t require as much attention as regular strains.
  • Easier to control: As they are more sensitive than other strains, it is easier to control their growth by ensuring they get what they need: light, water, and nutrients. This means you won’t have any problems when growing them indoors or outside as long as you keep checking on them regularly!
  • Faster harvest time: The main advantage of autoflowering seeds is that they mature faster than traditional ones so that you can have your harvest sooner after germination (usually around 2 months).

How To Grow With Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds

Autoflowering cannabis seeds are similar to regular cannabis seeds in many ways, but there are some differences. When growing with autoflowers, you can expect:

  • Faster growth – A grower who has never grown before can expect to see their plants reach maturity around 8-10 weeks after planting. This is about half the time that it takes for regular cannabis plants to mature (16-21 weeks). Also, because of this fast growth rate and early maturation window, autoflowers are considered a great choice for anyone looking to grow indoors or outdoors.
  • Shorter plants – The average height of an autoflowering strain ranges between 2’ and 6’ tall, depending on the variety being grown. While this may seem a disadvantage compared to other strains that can grow up as high as 10’+, it works out well when trying to cultivate them indoors since you don’t need much space at all!

Here are some tips on growing with autoflowering cannabis seeds

Here are some tips on growing with autoflowering cannabis seeds:

  • When the seedling grows, ensure you keep it in an area with plenty of light with temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • When you’re using soil to grow your plants, water them every day or two. If you start seeing yellow leaves on your plant, that means they’re getting too much water; if they’re turning brown and dying off, then they need more moisture because they don’t have enough oxygen in the soil due to overwatering. If you use a hydroponic system instead, just make sure there are enough nutrients in the water so that all of your plants can thrive under those conditions; otherwise, just follow all other instructions for growing plants outdoors as listed above!
  • When flowering begins (about two weeks after germination), cut back on watering frequency but increase humidity by misting every other day—this will help prevent mold from forming around buds as well as preventing powdery mildew from forming below leaves/stems during the flowering stage.”

Final Word on Growing with Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds

Autoflowering cannabis seeds are a great choice for beginners. They’re easy to grow and don’t require a lot of time or attention, making them the perfect choice for people who don’t have much experience growing cannabis indoors. If you’re looking for your first grow or want to hand over some of the work to someone else, then autoflowers are right up your alley!


Autoflowers are a great way to start growing your own cannabis. They are easy to grow, have a short flowering cycle, and can be grown indoors or outdoors. The main benefit of autoflowering cannabis seeds is that they automatically flower when they reach maturity, which means you don’t need special equipment or techniques to keep track of when they should start flowering. Just plant them in good soil, water them regularly, and give them the right amount of light each day!

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The information provided in these blog posts is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The use of any information provided in these blog posts is solely at your own risk. The authors and the website do not recommend or endorse any specific products, treatments, or procedures mentioned. Reliance on any information in these blog posts is solely at your own discretion.

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