USDA: hemp part of Europe’s environmental agenda; PA marijuana pardon deadline; States reap more taxes from cannabis than alcohol/tobacco

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Bipartisan Senate leaders took steps to expedite a vote on a cannabis research bill—but Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) objected for reasons that his office would not explain to Marijuana Moment, upending the plan for now.

  • Another source on Capitol Hill said Cornyn intends to block all House bills that are taken up under unanimous consent in the Senate—not just the cannabis reform proposal—because he’s broadly frustrated that the opposite chamber has not advanced more of his own legislation that has been sent over.

A new U.S. Department of Agriculture report examines growing interest in hemp across Europe—and how the crop can help the continent achieve bold climate-related goals as a “contributor to European Green Deal objectives.”

Pennsylvania’s Board of Pardons secretary told Marijuana Moment that 2,500 people have now applied for relief under the governor’s month-long Marijuana Pardon Project—but the deadline to get applications in is coming up on Friday at midnight.

A new Tax Policy Center report shows how several states are now generating more tax revenue from legal marijuana than they do from alcohol or tobacco.

A poll found that a majority of Maine residents support decriminalizing drugs and instituting other harm reduction policies.


The Small Business Administration is amending small business size regulations to incorporate North American Industry Classification System revisions that include cannabis businesses as an official designation.

Customs and Border Protection awarded a $63,560 contract for a cannabis analyzer device.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) claimed in a Senate floor speech that fentanyl is being laced into marijuana.

Rep. Dwight Evans (D-PA) tweeted about Friday’s deadline to apply under the Pennsylvania governor’s Marijuana Pardon Project.

The House bill to allow marijuana businesses to list on stock exchanges got one new cosponsor for a total of four.

The House bill to allow CBD as a dietary supplement got one new cosponsor for a total of 43.

The House bill to allow CBD as a food and beverage additive got one new cosponsor for a total of 11.


Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) tweeted, “It’s time to legalize marijuana – and tax it, much like we already do with alcohol.”

The New Jersey Assembly Oversight, Reform, and Federal Relations Committee approved legislation to allow marijuana companies to deduct business expenses from their state taxes.

The New York Legislative Commission on Rural Resources is pressing regulators for updated details on the anticipated rollout of recreational sales and broader licensing plans.

South Dakota regulators filed amended hemp rules.

Virginia regulators issued guidance on background checks of owners of medical cannabis businesses.

Vermont regulators opened a marijuana product registration portal.

Washington State regulators reached a settlement agreement with Unicorn Brands LLC concerning a year-long investigation and multiple violation notices for creating synthetically-derived THC from hemp and distributing it into the state-regulated cannabis market.

Michigan regulators published guidance on best practices for several common issues affecting marijuana businesses.

Oregon regulators posted updated marijuana tax revenue distribution information.

Nevada cannabis regulators are partnering in an effort to reduce impaired driving.

Marijuana Moment is tracking more than 1,500 cannabis, psychedelics and drug policy bills in state legislatures and Congress this year. Patreon supporters pledging at least $25/month get access to our interactive maps, charts and hearing calendar so they don’t miss any developments.

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The San Luis Obispo, California Board of Supervisors approved a new cannabis business tax compliance program.


South Africa’s Constitutional Court overturned the criminalization of marijuana possession by children.

St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Terrance Drew said the government plans steps to create a sustainable medical cannabis industry.

A Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare panel recommended that the government consider allowing import, manufacture and use of cannabis-derived medicines.

Peru’s ombudsman is urging the Ministry of Health to accelerate the approval of medical cannabis rules.


A study “showed that most of high-THC extracts demonstrate anti-cancer activity, while only certain selected extracts showed anti-inflammatory activity.”

A study found that “CBD supplementation has a positive effect on the activity of the proteolytic system and biochemical markers of honey bees.”


A government survey of Panamanians found that 57 percent back medical cannabis but 88 percent oppose recreational marijuana use.

A survey of Ohio medical cannabis patients found that they are more satisfied than dissatisfied with the program, but have concerns about costs and a lack of legal protections.

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture considered changes to hemp policy positions at its conference.

The Portland Press Herald editorial board has concerns about the growing number of marijuana retailers in Maine.


SHF Holdings, Inc., formerly known as Northern Lights Acquisition Corp., completed its acquisition of SHF, LLC, d/b/a Safe Harbor Financial.

atai Life Sciences published a sponsored content article about psychedelics research in the scientific journal Nature.


Seth Rogen said smoking marijuana is, “like, wearing glasses or shoes. It is just a thing I do to make my journey through the day more navigable. Could I go through my day without glasses or shoes? Yeah. Would it be much worse? For sure. That’s really how I view it.”

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